Mobile Warehouse Management System

Warehouses face the difficulties of complex stock management processes including inventory, delivery, order taking, dispatching and tracking. Cherson mobile warehouse management solutions offer feature-rich specifications to streamline warehouse operations such as RFID capability, wireless connectivity and powerful bar code scanning. Cherson handhelds configure seamlessly with back end systems, are ergonomically designed and easy to operate. The handheld terminal eliminates most warehousing errors and improves traceability of products more efficiently. 


Pick the Right Goods at The Right Time in Warehousing 

Collecting the right goods can be a time-consuming job. Working with deadlines creates also a higher risk of human errors during this task. A mobile device helps your warehouse employees pick the right goods at the right time. They can also use the device to receive various reports and to print necessary documents on printers on-site.

Improves the Traceability of Products More Efficiently

With tons of products, warehouses face the difficulties of complex stock management processes including inventory, delivery, order taking, dispatching and tracking. Cherson handheld terminal solutions offer feature-rich specifications to streamline warehouse operations. Cherson handhelds configure seamlessly with back end systems, are ergonomically designed and easy to operate.

The Cherson handheld terminal and RFID solutions eliminate most warehousing errors and improve the traceability of products more efficiently. All authorized users are able to access the database in real time on the handheld terminal. We are confident this solution is a reliable, cost-effective solution for investors.


Enables Operator To Move Packages More Efficiently

The most important thing for packing station is to complete the ship orders with speed and precision. To reduce the error in the warehouse, Cherson barcode scanning technology delivers an accurate and instant way to record the work process and seamless feedback to the back end system.

Cherson develops the wearable product lines to enables its operator to move products, packages, materials, and proceed with their barcode reading tasks more efficiently, safely, and comfortably.  It improves productivity in your operations with its lightweight wearable technology.

