RFID Asset Management System

Cherson RFID Asset Management System use radio frequency technology (RFID) to  equip each fixed asset with a unique ID number for  RF tags to manage the entire life cycle of an asset from purchase to scrap as a work order. Asset inventory data acquisition is carried out using a handheld terminal (PDA) with RFID identification. In addition to RFID tags, the software manages the process in line with the system that supports barcodes. Due to the variety of types of customer assets and the impact of the location environment, we provide RFID tags based  on the  customer's   needs, affixed to various metals and non-metallic items, and used with handheld RFID reader

Long service life, a wide range of applications

Radio communication mode, so that it can be applied to dust, oil pollution and other high-polluting environment and radioactive environment, and its closed packaging makes its life greatly exceeds the printed bar code;


Better password protection

Not only can be embedded or attached to different shapes, types of products, but also for the reading and writing of label data password protection, so as to have greater security;


Label data can be changed dynamically

The programmer can write data to the RFID tag interactive portable data file, and write time is less than printing barcodes;


Dynamic real-time communication

Labels communicate with the interpreter at frequencies of 50to 100  times per second, so as long as the object attached to the RFID tag appears within the reader's effective recognition range, its position can be dynamically tracked and monitored.


Industrial Asset Management

RFID Technology brings automatic asset tracking and cost-effective asset management to the industrial environment. Cheron provides a series of on- metal RFID Tags and labels, for metal assets management in the industrial environment. With multiple sizes available, the on-metal tags and labels can be easily mounted on different metallic surfaces, and maintain consistent and durable performance.


General Assets Management

General assets in enterprises, the library or the laboratory are hard to manage or maintain without systematic management. Cherson provides RFID tags and labels which are specially designed for asset tracking and inventory counting. It can largely improve inventory visibility and reduce labor hours. Century’s RFID tags and labels have a wide range of format which offers the optimal solutions for items that are difficult or too small to tag items.


System Modules :

Procurement management
Warehouse management
Data synchronization
Batch import
Asset transfer

Maintenance management
Depreciation management
Inventory management
Change management
Asset ledger

Loss management
Scrap management
Disposal management

Lease management
Delivery management
Allocation management
Borrowing management
Application management

